280308 wtf Trump?
As much as I respect Donald Trump & how I'm a big fan of The Apprentice, I must say I am totally disgusted by his take & insult on the Freedom Tower, the completing replacement for the destroyed World Trade Centre. I was literally stunned when he labelled Libeskind's design; junk. I could almost imagine Trump screaming," You are f**king fired Libeskind!"right on his face. I personnally think it's a powerful design that really projects the memory & the aspiration of America for undying liberty that was once gravely challenged by the 9/11 horror. The purity of glass & light refracted almost indicate a monument to the collective souls of the perished. News to me; real estate developers - as great as they are - sometimes do act a little 'un-great' & short-sighted. Shame on you, Mr. Mogul. Kudos on you, Libeskind.